UI-HiCAM Reflow Inline Camera System


It is equipped with three temperature channels and a vibration sensor, the internal environment of the reflow machine can be photographed, analyzed and integrated.
The camera module has two types of modules: a close-up module that can enlarged the soldering process and a wide-angle shooting module that allows you to shoot
the entire environment of the oven. The close-up method allows to shoot the actual soldering status by using custom made carrier jig to take the actual use
PCB of customers. By using the storage method using the separable memory card, noise that may be occurred during wireless transmission / reception is removed.

Measurement information
Description Sensor Measuring range Error
Temperature measurement K-form thermocouple 0~400℃ ±2℃
Sampling   0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4 seconds  
Measuring time   10 minutes  
Number of times of
internal storage
  2 times  
General information
Description Contents
Battery Chargeable 12V
Use time Continuous 1hour(room temperature)
Use, preservation /
0~300℃ / 0~40℃
Dimension 300x73x26(measurement module) / 385x85x35(external case)
Specification information
Specification information Minimum requirements
OS Window 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, 7, 8
Processor / Memory Over Pentium 4 / Over 2GB
HDD / CD-ROM Over 200GBMB / Included CD-Rom(for Install)
VGA / Connect 1024x768, over 16bit/RS232C
Motion video
measurement information
HD(1280x760) / 1minute unit division storage
Vibration measurement information 2G acceleration of gravity sensor type
Motion video storage capacity Subject to capacity of memory card connected externally
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